Finding Confidence to Weather a Storm

Number 32 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” Stories and promises of the awesome blessings God gives us each day. I hope it encourages you today!


I come from a long line of worriers. My family could take worrying to a new level.

I remember one weekend when our daughter was driving back to college. My mom called her and said, “Let me know when you’re leaving so I’ll know when to start worrying.” And she was serious.


Photo Credit: Ken Douglas

Photo Credit: Ken Douglas


So I grew up worrying constantly. And I’ve spent a life time learning how not to.

Yet, I’m not alone. A whole lot of people struggle with worry.

In my profession I see people filled with fear at times. Terrified to stay invested yet afraid to miss out.

I’ve watched friends stay in a job they hated because they were afraid to try something else.

Many of us have worried about a suspicious report from the doctor.


Yet, fear leaves us paralyzed which causes us to respond irrationally often. And frankly it’s just a horrible way to live.


That’s what I love about this story of Jesus. After a full day of ministry he heads across the Sea of Galilee with his disciples. He’s sleeping in the stern when suddenly a violent storm attacks them. The winds howl as the waves wash over the boat.

So the disciples wake Jesus in terror, “How can you be sleeping? We’re going down.”

Sound familiar?


Then it says, “Jesus responded, ‘Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!’ Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm.” (Matthew 8:26 NLT)


Wow! I’d like a serving of that.


I see some amazing gifts he offers us in storms.


First, Jesus’ response isn’t contingent on the strength of our faith. He hears our prayers and he responds no matter how weak our faith. Now, that’s comforting to me.

Second, Jesus responds with all of his power. He created all things. He has the power to recreate all things.

Third, he brings us peace in the midst. The storm may be raging but we don’t have to be afraid. That to me is huge.

Fourth, even after the storm abated it took a while to clean up. Sometimes it takes a while for things to settle down.

Fifth, I can tell you the disciples faith increased tenfold that night. And ours will too.


We can’t stop the storms of life but we can have the confidence to weather them.


When have you had confidence in a storm of life?

Please share your thoughts on Facebook, Twitter or email me. Thanks.


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