Living the Adventure

I never cease to be amazed at how many Christians live stale lives. They rarely see God work. When faced with challenges they often cave in. They fight about insignificant issues in church.

Yet, Sunday after Sunday they’re promised an extraordinary life from God. And I think most hope for that. Some have even experienced it at some point.

Yet, they’ve settled into mediocre spirituality. They’ve become complacent just going through the motions. They think more in terms of the required minimum to just keep God happy.


And their lives have become well, dull. [Read more…]

Choosing an Adventuresome Life

I often wonder, “Why do so many Christians live such boring lives?”

I mean we talk and sing about this great adventure of life yet so few seem to live it.

At church a few paid professionals work their tails off trying to keep all the plates spinning

And so few church members live any adventure other than reality TV. [Read more…]