How to Find Assurance When You Struggle With Doubts About God

I was one of those children who authors make big money writing books about to help parents. I challenge everything.

I question authority, ask hard questions and rarely take anything for granted. I especially ridicule authority figures who make grand pronouncements and simply expect everyone to follow in lock step.


Photo Credit:  Marcello Maria Perongini

Photo Credit: Marcello Maria Perongini


Growing up I experimented probably a shade too much. In high school and college that didn’t always play out so well. But it’s just how I’m wired.

So in my faith walk it happens also, often.

The worst though was when I pastored a church. Yeah I know you’re shocked. Pastors are the Supermen of faith. Yeah right.

I’d be driving to the church on Sunday morning often with the kids. All of a sudden the thought would pop into my mind, “Who are you kidding? Are you sure about all this?”


Let me tell you that’s not what you want your mind focused on when you’re getting ready to preach.


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How to Know for Sure You’ll Live in Heaven

I’ve been going to way too many funerals lately. And terrifyingly the friends who’ve passed away are getting closer and closer to my age. I know, strange.

So I think about that subject more now than when I was say 20. Maybe has something to do with feeling like I’m on runaway skis heading for the trees and I can’t slow down.  And yes there is a story there but not today.


Photo Credit: Tony Fischer

Photo Credit: Tony Fischer


Anyway, I think most of us, when we’re quiet enough, think sometimes about what happens beyond this life. I mean I think you’d be crazy if you didn’t.

And I think we’d all like some sense of assurance about Heaven and if we’re going to live there.

Yet, we all deal with that issue in different ways don’t we?

Sometimes it’s easier to just fill life up so we never stop long enough to think about it. First thing in the morning check emails. Listen to the radio or podcasts while commuting. Busy at work all day. Immerse in TV at home. Non-stop weekends.

Yikes, no wonder we have more time saving devices today yet feel more stressed than any previous generation.
But I don’t think the gnawing ever completely goes away.


So what if we really could feel assured of Heaven? What difference would it make?


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