Discovering Encouragement in the Midst of Our Most Difficult Struggles

As we looked at in the previous post, sometimes we all face struggles when it just seems like God has left on vacation. I mean we’re struggling with something really tough yet it seems like God has deserted us doesn’t it?

It leaves us feeling frustrated and angry at God as well as very alone.

Yet, from a story about Jesus which we looked at, we saw when the people proactively sought Jesus out it changed their trajectory.

I love what the story then says, “When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.”*

Wow, suddenly Jesus focuses completely on them. Wouldn’t it be amazing to feel like we have that same focus from him?

Personally, I find the details of this story encouraging.

When Jesus landed he saw the crowd who’d followed him on foot. Suddenly they became the most important thing to him.

No matter what we go through we may feel all alone but we’re not. Jesus sees us and our struggle.

Then he had compassion on them. Literally he wept with empathy.

Whatever we’re going through God weeps with empathy for us too. He loves us like a father loves his child. When his child hurts he hurts as well.

Then Jesus acted. No empty, “I feel your pain” political slogan. He no fooling got involved.

He acts in our lives as well. No matter what we’re facing he not only hurts with us but will do something about it. In fact he already is even when we don’t realize it.

Finally, Jesus healed, miraculously. His power can overcome any challenge. Friends may stand alongside us and that’s incredibly important. But Jesus can actually solve our most difficult struggles.

What could we possible go through beyond that?


*Matthew 14:13-14 (NIV)

What to Do When It Seems Like God’s Deserted You

We’ve all faced struggles, I’d guess, when it seems like God’s deserted us haven’t we? In fact, may be you’re feeling that right now.

Not only is the struggle tough enough. But then feeling like God doesn’t know or care can leave us feeling pretty alone and frustrated can’t it?

Jesus was ministering when he heard that his cousin John had been murdered. So he sailed to the other side of the Sea of Galilee to be alone.

Yet, people were waiting to see him. People struggling with real issues and impossible conditions. So they left their town and walked around the lake several miles to find Jesus. Then he healed the ones who were sick.*

Why did some finally see the miracle they needed even though they perhaps felt he’d deserted them?

I think one of reasons was they proactively went after it. No fooling around. No dabbling in it. They full up went after Jesus.

What might that look like in our lives?

First, they took the time. They stopped everything and went after him.

How often do we get so wrapped up in all the busyness of our lives we just never take the time to really seek out God’s answers?

Second, they did that was because frankly they truly believed he had the answers. If they didn’t believe that they wouldn’t have chased after him.

Third, they bet all on Jesus’ answers. No plan B. No second guessing. They went all in even though it probably would mean ridicule or worse from those who opposed him.

Then they saw Jesus act. They watched him heal. They found answers to their struggles. They knew he cared.

I wonder what would happen if we did the same?


*Matthew 14:13-14