The Key to Unlocking Spiritual Mysteries

Spirituality for me has always been a bit bewildering.

Before I knew God I wanted to know if he existed.  I kind of hoped he did.  There were times I could sure use his help.

But frankly going to church or trying to read the Bible were confusing at best.  Often they seemed irrelevant and impenetrable.

Sometimes I’d read a book or poem that had spiritual overtones and it would somehow warm my heart.  Yet, really it did nothing to guide me.

So while I felt curiosity it all seemed so nebulous.

The night I asked Jesus to come into my life I asked him to guide me also.  I knew I didn’t have a clue.  In fact my current life hadn’t been firing on all cylinders for quite a while.

Suddenly I felt hungry to learn more.  The next day I bought a paperback modern translation of the New Testament and literally devoured it.   Everything I read suddenly applied.

I started attending a Bible teaching church.  Amazingly they spoke in words I understood about topics vitally important to me.

I was like a sponge soaking up some kind of life giving water.

Even today as I read my Bible I’ll suddenly see a verse in ways I never have before.  And I’ve read it scores of times.  But though the words haven’t changed I have and God opens them up to me in new ways.

Frankly, that’s what I love about this adventure called life.  I think it’s meant to be lived always growing.  And amazingly God continues to unveil more of his mysteries.

Paul writes, “That is, the mystery made known to me by revelation, as I have already written briefly.”  (Ephesians 3: 3 NIV)


We can’t excavate God’s mysteries but he can unlock them for us.


When has God opened a mystery to you?


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