Real Wisdom

“Jesus prayed, ‘Father, Lord of heaven and earth, I praise you because you have hidden your mysteries from those who arrogantly view themselves as smart and educated but revealed them to your children.'” (Matthew 11: 25)

Intelligence is good, insight and true wisdom is even greater.

Meeting with God Face to Face

“Because of your great love for me, Lord, I can enter your house and meet with you.” (Psalm 5: 7)

Protection and Courage

“Lord, you are a shield surrounding me, the one who lifts my head high.” (Psalm 3: 3)

A Straight Path in a Crooked World

“The Lord watches over the path of those who trust in him.” (Psalm 1: 6)

A Fruitful and Prosperous Life

“Those who delight in God’s promises will be like a tree growing beside a stream, flourishing with good fruit, never withering and prospering in everything they do.” (Psalm 1: 3)

Live with Power

[Jesus said] “Peace be with you.  In the same way the Father sent me, I am sending you.” (John 20: 21)

Guided by God

[Jesus said] “When the Spirit comes into you he will guide you into all wisdom and truth.” (John 16: 13)

Asking and Receiving God’s Promises

[Jesus said] “Whatever you ask in line with what I’ve promised the Father will give you.” (John 15: 16)

An Amazingly Fruitful Life

[Jesus said] “I am the vine; you are the branches.  As you live in me and I live in you your life will be abundantly fruitful.” (John 15: 5)

Taught and Lead by God

[Jesus said] “The Father will send the Holy Spirit, your helper, to you in my place when I am gone from you.  He will will teach you everything you need to know and will remind you of all I have taught you. (John 14: 26)