Deliverance from Your Greatest Distress

“They cried out to the Lord in their trouble and he delivered them from their distress.” (Psalm 107: 13)

God Rescues No Matter How Big Your Problem

“They cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he rescued them out of their distress.” (Psalm 107: 6)

The Impossible Made Possible

“Everything is possible for the one who believes.” (Mark 9: 23)

Experience the Presence of God

“Where two or three gather together in my name, I am there with them.” (Matthew 18:20)

The Unstoppable Power of Praying Together

“I promise, if two of you ask God together for the anything, my Father in heaven will do it.” (Matthew 18:19)

Help and Answers

“At times I feel weak and poor.  Yet Lord, you remember me.  You help me and fulfill all my needs.  You are my God, don’t delay.” (Psalm 40: 17)

Blessings Beyond Counting

“Lord, you have done many wonders in my life and you have so many more planned for me.  No one can can compare to you.  You have done so many wonderful things for me they are too many for me to even declare.” (Psalm 40: 5)

The Power of Patient Prayer

“I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord to help me.  Then he heard my cry and responded.” (Psalm 40: 1)

Miracles Delayed but Fulfilled

“Do not discard your confident faith because in time it will be richly rewarded.” (Hebrews 10: 35)

God’s promises may take time but they’re always fulfilled when you hang on in faith.

Unleashing Powerful Faith

“May the God of hope fill you completely with joy and peace as you trust in him.  Then you will overflow with confident faith through the power of the Holy Spirit within you.” (Romans 15: 13)

You may have only a tiny mustard seed of hope but that is more than enough for God to fill you with powerful faith.