Knowing God Personally

“You don’t know me or my Father,” Jesus replied.  “Because if you knew me personally you would also know my Father.” (John 8: 19)

Accepted and Loved

[Jesus answered] “You judge based on your own standards.  But I don’t judge anyone.” (John 8: 15)

The Love of God

“Jesus said, ‘I know God the Father personally because I am from him and he sent me to you.'” (John 7: 29)

You Are Never Alone

“Jesus said to them, ‘I am here; don’t be afraid.” (John 6:20)



Thank you that when I’ve been afraid,

You’ve let me know you are here.

And for the assurance that in all circumstances,

You are with me.



“The next day John saw Jesus walking towards him and said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!'” (John 1: 29)

You may have sinned much but Jesus loves much and washes all of it away.

Seeing God

“No one has ever seen God.  Yet, the one true Son, who himself is God and is in the closest relationship with the Father, has shown us God.” (John 1: 18)

In a relationship with Jesus you will see God.

The God Who Lives With Us

“The Word, the Christ God’s son, became a man and lived on earth among us.” (John 1: 14)

We don’t worship a god who lives remotely but rather the true God who came to live with us.

Life Now and Forever

“And he is life and the source of all life.” (John 1: 4)

The one we walk with gives true life and is life now and forever.

God’s Presence Every Moment

“I am with you every moment all the way to the very end of this age.” (Matthew 28: 20)

You may at times feel alone but Jesus never leaves you alone.

The Greatest Ever

“You are to  call him Jesus.  He will be great and called the Son of the Most High God.” (Luke 1: 31-32)

Some may serve various gods but we’re invited to live with the greatest of all, the Son of the Most High God.