Changed from the Inside Out

My mind is spinning right now. Just in my circle of acquaintances, I have one friend going through a divorce because his wife is addicted to prescription drugs and alcohol.

Another friend divorced because her husband has uncontrollable anger issues.

Another struggles with his wife’s mood swings which are surprising and volatile.

And these are normal middle class adults with good jobs living in the suburbs.

Some even go to church.

Yet, their lives at times have been hell.

Now I’m not here to diagnose their issues. Frankly I can’t.

But I do know in some cases there’s a willful disregard for anything spiritual. Almost a rebellion.

And though that may not be the root cause it excludes what I believe is the only real power to heal.

I can only speak from my own experience I’m not a therapist. But I‘ve seen changing power in my own life since I asked God to lead me into the light.

And no it wasn’t instantaneous though in a moment I knew it had begun. It’s taken a lifetime of incremental change and in some cases today I still get blindsided.

But I’ve found true what Paul writes, “I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being.” (Ephesians 3: 16 NIV)

It is not by sheer will power we change our lives. If we had that power our lives would already be different. But it comes from the Spirit living in us that transforms us over time.

And what does that look like? I can only tell you my experience.

The amazing life God promised me.

God’s unlimited power to change.

Inner strength beyond my own strength.

And the Spirit dwelling in me creating his fruit that includes peace, joy, love and self control.

Frankly, that’s the life I signed up for and it’s been real.

We can take on God’s power or rely on our own but only one can truly change us from the inside.

How have you experienced God’s life changing power?

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