Find Healing When You’ve Lost Someone You Love

We’ve been on a run lately of people we know passing away.  My wife said, “I’m ready for a break.”  The problem is too they seem to be getting closer to my age.

I know you can relate and have felt the hurt of losing someone you love.  All the encouraging words and hugs help but the empty hole remains.

Nothing you can do ever completely heals the wound.

If there was no other reason for wanting a relationship with God than that it would be enough.

David writes, “The days of the blameless are known to the Lord, and their inheritance will endure forever.”

Aren’t you glad?  No matter how much God promises to bless you in this life he promises even more in the next.  And those loved ones you’ve lost wait to greet you.  How much better could it be?

That gift is given not to those who are perfect because none of us are, even David who wrote these words.  Rather the blameless are those who come to God and say, “Forgive me and accept me.”

Then he says, “You are forgiven.  You are my child.  Live with me forever.”

I’m glad.  But I still wish people would quit dying closer and closer to my age.


*Psalm 37:18 (NIV)

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