Finding Light in the Darkness

We all face times when the darkness closes in and it seems there just isn’t any light don’t we?  We stare into a crisis beyond our solving.

It can leave us scared and alone.  Feeling hopeless and desperate.

That’s what I love about this story of Jesus and his disciples.  The disciples are sailing across the Sea of Galilee at night when a fierce storm attacks them.  They’re capsizing when Jesus comes walking on the water to them.

We see multiple miracles occur.

First, Jesus walks on the water.  No one ever had done that before.

Second, Peter gets out of the boat and walks on the water.

Third, Peter suddenly freaks out and sinks.  Jesus grabs his hand and Peter’s faith returns.

Fourth, they walk back on the water to the boat together.

Fifth, when Jesus climbs into the boat the storm subsides immediately.

So what does this all mean for us?

First, there’s no problem beyond God’s power.  He created all things he can recreate them as he wants.

Second, Jesus never leaves us alone in the storm.  No matter how ferocious he comes to us.

Third, Jesus offers that we can walk on the water with him.  Sometimes we just need to get out of our comfortable boat to experience it.

Fourth, when our faith wavers, and it will, Jesus understands.  He won’t condemn us but reaches out his hand to get us on our feet again.

Fifth, faith will return.  It ebbs and flows but it’ll come back.

Sixth, then the power returns.

Seventh, the storm will finally subside.  It may not seem like it but it will.

And the only requirement is to look toward God instead of ourselves.  And acknowledge the miracle when it unfolds.

We’ll look more in detail at that next time.

(Matthew 14: 32-33)

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