God Rocks #16: Set Free to Live an Amazing Life

Part of the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” Stories and promises of the awesome blessings God gives us each day. I hope it encourages you today!


On the night I prayed, ever so hesitantly, to ask Jesus into my life I felt an incredible peace that’s hard to describe. Those early days were heady filled with a sense of joy and love I’d never known before.

Yet, soon the pressure of religious legalism crept in. Slowly my experience filled with requirements to live out this new life so God would be pleased with and bless me.


Photo Credit:  Sander van der Wel

Photo Credit: Sander van der Wel


I even attended a popular three day seminar and came away with a huge red binder filled with steps to respond to every conceivable contingency in a way that would align me with God’s blessings.


I was overwhelmed and crushed. I felt like I was dying under the load.


And honestly many times I wished I’d never started down that path.

Have you ever been there? Are you living there right now?

In answer to that nightmare Jesus offers us an amazing gift.


He said, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” (Matthew 5: 17 NIV)


The laws were given for only one reason. To show us we can never be good enough on our own to earn a relationship with God.

And Jesus says he didn’t come to do away with that. Rather to fulfill it. To give you and me a way to have a relationship with God based solely on faith in his love because that’s all we have to offer.


And then Jesus promises in his fulfillment of the law his amazing life.


He took the punishment we deserved but could never fulfill.

He gives us a righteousness before God we can never give ourselves.

He unleashes in us a new life we desperately need but could never accomplish.

He sets us free from the tyranny of the law and religion in a way only he could.

He fills us with his peace and joy in the midst of life in a way we desired but could never discover.

He gives us power to live positive lives like we never could in our own power.

He fulfills the law so we don’t need to.

And when I found that freedom again I found his amazing life again.


Jesus releases us from religion and offers us an incredible relationship.


How has knowing you are free in Jesus changed your life?


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