God Rocks #4: Miracles for Our Insignificant but Important Needs

Part of the new series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” Stories of the awesome blessings and promises God gives us each day. I hope it encourages you today!


The son of close friends along with his wife and two young children just left on a medical missions project.

We attended their church for a send off with their family and friends. Tears were shed and hugs given.

I can’t imagine embarking on this with two small children but they felt God’s calling and went.

When they arrived at the training facility in Hawaii one of insignificant but important items they had to leave behind was the jumper for their infant.


Baby in Jumper


Remembering our children at that age it seems insignificant yet can be so important to have something like a jumper or windup swing. Put them in it. They’re happy. And you can fix dinner, use the bathroom or even glance at a book for five minutes.


But they couldn’t bring it so now what?

They were settling in when a neighbor at the facility came by to welcome them. Seeing their young children she asked, “Would you like a jumper? We have one we don’t need.”

I don’t know there response but would guess it was something like, “Wow!  Yes!”


Not even there a full day and God already was at work with a tiny miracle.

And I witnessed a second gift that occurred also. They shared this with those who are supporting them. And I bet that God used that to encourage someone else who was needing something insignificant but important.

I’ve seen this happen so many times in our lives through the years that a lot of the time I just expect it. I trust, as our friends did, that somehow God would provide for our needs no matter how insignificant.
And he did.

It’s what Jesus promised, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6: 26 NIV)


Nothing in our lives is too big or too small for God to bless us with.


And that to me is …



When has God given you an amazing gift for an insignificant but important need?

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