How Do You Find Peace When Blindsided by Death?

We were stunned last night to learn that a friend’s daughter suddenly died.  She was friends with my kids growing up, in the height of life and now’s gone.

Death slams us when a loved one is taken from us or we face it ourselves doesn’t it?  Anyone who tells you otherwise isn’t truthful.

In those times I find helpful rereading God’s promises.

David prayed, “You will not abandon me to the grave nor will you let your Holy One see decay.”

Over and over God promises that nothing in this life or even death can separate you from his love.

In that assurance you can rest that in Heaven all things will be made perfect once again.

I don’t understand it all and often when staring down death my faith grows shaky.

Yet then I remember all the miraculous ways God has cared for me.  And I think, “Would he desert me when I need him most?”

Then peace filters in again and it’s enough for now.

*Psalm 16: 10 (NIV)

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