How to Discover the Secrets of Living with Amazing Power

So what do we do when everything is sailing along smoothly and we get blindsided by a challenge? Suddenly our orderly world gets turned upside down. What should we do then?

Jesus hints at the answer in a parable, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.”*

Literally the word instructed means to search out and find the secrets of living in God’s kingdom.

See, someone can go to church or frankly graduate from seminary yet still miss understanding the mysteries of living in God’s amazing power.

It’s reserved only for those who keep seeking to understand it.

I look back over my own life and see some discoveries as well as wrong turns. Yet, I would say, if I did anything correctly it was simply to keep seeking.

I believe God intended for us to live an amazing power filled life. And because of that I’ve never been content with anything less.

Jesus then promises the secrets locked away will be brought out in the open.

Now, that’s the kind of life I want.


*Matthew 13: 52 (NIV)

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