How to Discover Unexplainable Joy In the Midst of Sorrow

We’ve gotten besieged with sorrow over the last few weeks.  Loved ones of our loved ones suddenly, without warning, passing away.

I told Jennifer, “If the phone rings at 1:00 a.m. again don’t answer it.  Nobody’s calling to tell us we won the lottery at 1:00.”

I know I’m not alone.  I’m sure you can relate.  You haven’t even worked through all 12 steps of the grief recovery program before it starts all over.

Yet, this morning as I fixed breakfast, I thought how God’s grace and healing springs fresh as the new day begins.

David sings, “Weeping may remain for a night but rejoicing comes in the morning.”

Somehow after finally sleeping and then seeing the sun shining I feel God’s presence renewed.  I believe he has a way out of the darkness and I feel his unexplainable joy filling me again.

It comes not because you worked through all 12 steps successfully, good luck with that project.  But rather because you took the most important step.  You rested in the love of the one who can see the end from the beginning and promises, “I am with you always.”

Then the sun rises in the morning beaming light through your windows and into your soul.

*Psalm 30:5 (NIV)

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