One Tactic That Unlocks Spiritual Power

“And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation.”  (Ephesians 1: 13 NIV)

Let’s be real.  I think most of have doubts sometimes about God, heaven, our salvation and the whole laundry list of other things we’re supposed to believe in.

Deep inside we wonder at times, “Is it all true?  If it is true am I saved?  Am I going to make it?”

And as I get older and watch more of my friends have near miss health issues or sometimes get taken way too young it causes me to stop and question.

Now questioning is okay.  We’re not condemned for questioning.  But the problem is if we don’t resolve the doubts it leaves us feeling powerless.  And the amazing life?  Pretty illusive.

So how can we overcome those doubts?  Or at least keep them outside the gates most of the time?

I’ve found one tactic that has helped me more than anything else.  This passage calls it hearing the word of truth.

The word translated “hearing” though means something more than just an audible recognition of sound. It’s used for a judge “hearing” a legal case.  It’s a concentrated, intense reading of and listening to God’s word.

For me I apply that by trying to read a few pages of my Bible every night just before sleep so it seeps into my brain.  Maybe ten minutes, no big Bible study.  I try to read through the New Testament once per year and the Old Testament once every two years.  Nothing huge.

But it’s been the best practice for faith building I’ve ever done.  I find no matter what I’m struggling with, after I read quietness infuses my soul.   I sleep better and wake with a more positive outlook.

So simple yet so amazing.


How do you keep refreshing your faith?


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