Reflecting Greatness

“And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.”  (Ephesians 1: 22-23 NIV)

Do you ever wonder why so few ever accomplish anything close to their dreams?  I mean most people start out with a vision of their future that’s frankly astounding.  Ask kids what they want to be when they grow up and their thoughts often are inspiring.

But somewhere between those years and adulthood something happens.  The dreams disappear.

Maybe from defeats and setbacks.  Sometimes the busyness of life simply takes over.  Often it’s just easier to go with the flow.  And some got tired of hearing others tell them their dreams were foolish and they’d fail.

Yet, those who really do accomplish their dreams carry a different perspective.  Their focus is less on “what if” and more on “why not?”

This passage unwraps that perspective.  A focus that can set us free and unleash us to experience all the fullness of life God designed us for.

Let’s look at those amazing promises.

Jesus holds the supreme position of all authority and power.  No one and nothing is greater.  And he loves us unconditionally and wants to use that power in our lives.

We are part of his followers called the church.  And together we are designed to live out all the fullness of Jesus power.

Jesus is the one who created all things, guides all things, empowers all things, fills all things.  As a group we can look like that.

And each of us were designed for greatness so that we reflect the amazing spiritual power that resides in us.

Why settle for anything less?  Why not focus on reflecting God’s greatness?


How do you reflect God’s power in you?


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