Seeing the Miraculous

“I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,  and his incomparably great power for us who believe.”  (Ephesians 1: 18-19a, NIV)

Do you ever wonder why we see so little of God’s miraculous power?

I mean we sing and hear about it in Church.  We pray for it.  We read about other people experiencing it.  Yet, how often do we see God’s miraculous intervention in our lives?

And you know, sometimes we really need it.

I think part of the problem is we really don’t look.

How often have we prayed for God’s help and then when things work out we tell someone, “Yeah, I was really lucky?”

Or we have a critical need and we say to a friend, “Wish me luck?”

I even have a friend who’s named the Holy Spirit “Lucky” because of that.

I wonder what would happen if we looked through a different lens?

If we prayed and asked God to help us then actually looked for it?

If we expected his promises to be fulfilled in our lives and recognized them when they were?

If we anticipated his miraculous power helping us?  Then thanked him when it did?

And I wonder what would happen if instead of “being lucky” we realized we’ve been blessed?

I think we might “see” a lot more everyday miracles.

And when we saw them it might encourage us to expect more.

And if we expected more maybe we’d see his extraordinary power unleashed in our lives.

And maybe we’d grow in our relationship with God and the richness of life he promises.

I wonder.


What about you?


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