Seeing the Unimaginable

“In order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.”  (Ephesians 2: 7 NIV)

Do you ever wonder why so many Christians seem defeated?

I mean we read awesome promises in scripture yet for so many reality seems detached.

I see promised an amazing life.

Yet I see way too much sickness, broken relationships and financial struggles.

Some theologians say, “God’s miraculous life isn’t for today.  It ended with the apostles.  And now it’s only in Heaven.  Life now is a struggle.”

My deep theological response is, “What the hell are you reading?  My Bible doesn’t say that.  Mine promises all kinds of amazing things.”

Like this passage which says, “In the coming ages.”  Like the ones following when this was written in roughly 50 A.D.  And it says God will do unbelievable things just because he loves us .

So what causes the disconnect?

He implies it when he says he “might show” these blessings.  Yet, it also says he delights giving them out of his kindness.  Huh?

See God doesn’t withhold his blessings.  He gives them freely.

We just often fail to see them.

So what do we do?

Begin looking for the blessings.

Everyday look at what we’ve been given.  First thing in the morning instead of turning to the news which is all bad anyway what about turning to our father in thanksgiving?  Focus on all the blessings he has already given us.

When we’re confronted by a setback pray about it then start looking for the good God is working out through it.  Look for the blessings God will bring in the midst of the struggle.

When wrestling with a problem, focus on the solution instead of fixating on the issue.

What do you think we’d see?


What are you seeing right now?


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