Surprised by Gifts in the Midst of a Storm

Number 28 in the series “God Rocks: 101 Amazing Everyday Gifts!” Stories and promises of the awesome blessings God gives us each day. I hope it encourages you today!


We all get slammed by storms we don’t expect. That’s just real life. And it happens whether you’re a believer or not.


Photo Credit: Roy Wangsa

Photo Credit: Roy Wangsa


A medical report that punches us.

A marriage blowup and blowout.

A note in our work mail slot telling us we’re no longer needed.

The sudden unexpected death of a loved one.

Storms that slam us and tear us apart.

And how do we usually react?

Often with denial, “This can’t be happening.”

Or with anger, “How could this happen to me?”

Or with guilt. Christians are really good at this one. We tell ourselves and each other, “Well, it must be something you did.” Or, “If you just had more faith.”

But the problem with all of those?


None give us the ability to calmly and rationally deal with the storm. And they often leave us worse.


Yet, Jesus offers us a different picture.


“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” (Matthew 7: 24-25 NIV)


Frankly, when I’ve been slammed by a storm I find little helps while it’s raging except to center my mind on the promises God has given me. Promises that he’s still in control. That he’s all powerful. That he loves me. And somehow he’ll work even this out for good.


Then I find several surprising gifts show up.


First, an unexplainable peace seeps in. No not all at once but subtly it creeps in and replaces my anxiety. And this clears my mind so I can relax and think more clearly.

Second, confidence grows that I may not have the answers but I know the one who does. He’s led me through storms in the past. So I begin looking for his guidance in this one.

Third, as I trust he’ll take even the worst of storms and work them for good it causes me to begin looking for that good in this one.

Fourth, I find it helps me refocus on the most important things of life which often in the busyness can slip aside.


No storm leaves us untouched. But they can leave us better.


How have you discovered this in the storms of your life?

Please share your thoughts on Facebook and Twitter or email me. Thanks.

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