Surprised By Peace

“Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, to the saints in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”  (Ephesians 1: 1-2 NIV)


We live in a world exploding in conflict.  We watch the news of wars, riots, protests.  Politicians attack each other with rounds of accusations and payback.  Marriages divorcing, families splintering, careers careening off track.  And we wonder what can we do?

It’s one reason, I believe, for the increase in spiritual interest, particularly among younger adults.  They see a world out of control and ask, “Is there something more?”

Unfortunately though, many of the directions given don’t offer real help.  Instead they promise help  from nebulous spiritual powers around us.

And while I applaud the intention it still leaves us empty because there’s no real power.  We can feel like we’re grasping for something in the dark but we’re not sure what.

Yet this passage promises something different.

As we ask God to accept us by his grace we’ll experience something more.  When we hope in the promises God has given us of a better life we’ll find something greater.

We’ll discover grace.  We’ll know God forgives us and that allows us to forgive ourselves and find peace.

We’ll know that the all powerful God who created all things accepts us as his child and wants to act on our behalf.  And that brings us peace in knowing there is nothing greater than his power.

And in the midst of the conflicts and stresses we all experience we’ll find a peace that simply makes no sense.  A peace that comes when all else tells you to scream.  A peace that can only be supernatural.


We will be surprised by peace.


When have you been surprised by peace?  What was it like?


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