What I Don’t Like About Religion

I’m tired of organized religion frankly but feel closer to God than ever.

I think a lot of people really want to understand and have a relationship with a God who cares about them if only they knew he existed.

Yet unfortunately, I see organized religion built way too often on excluding people.  If I don’t speak the right doctrine, worship the right way, wear the right clothes, give to the right causes then I’m excluded by them.  And they tell me by their god. [Read more…]

Our True Spiritual Guide

My life changed dramatically after my encounter with God.  I was fired up to grow spiritually.

After I graduated from college, a few months later, I thought, “Why not go to seminary?  Where better to learn?”  Big mistake! [Read more…]

How to Unlock Spiritual Mysteries

Most people, I think, wrestle with spiritual mysteries.

“Is there a God?”

“Can I have a relationship with him?”

“Why am I here?”

“What happens after this life?

Yet, on our own we really can’t penetrate those mysteries.  I mean, how could we? [Read more…]

The Key to Unlocking Spiritual Mysteries

Spirituality for me has always been a bit bewildering.

Before I knew God I wanted to know if he existed.  I kind of hoped he did.  There were times I could sure use his help.

But frankly going to church or trying to read the Bible were confusing at best.  Often they seemed irrelevant and impenetrable. [Read more…]

Choosing an Adventuresome Life

I often wonder, “Why do so many Christians live such boring lives?”

I mean we talk and sing about this great adventure of life yet so few seem to live it.

At church a few paid professionals work their tails off trying to keep all the plates spinning

And so few church members live any adventure other than reality TV. [Read more…]

Living Your Passion Everyday

Writing this blog challenges me like few other ventures.  My emotions battle constantly.

Some days I feel elated.  Sometimes I want to quit. [Read more…]

Why I Find Church Frustrating

Frankly, I find going to church pretty frustrating.  I didn’t go anywhere for four years after the church we attended melted down.  Just couldn’t motivate myself to go back.

I find most churches seem irrelevant. [Read more…]

How to Build the Foundation for an Extraordinary Life

I find life confusing at times.  And often my spiritual life.

So I read spiritual gurus.  But I find most write primarily out of their experience?  Even popular Christian writers.

No doubt their discoveries have helped them personally and sometimes are quite insightful.  But they don’t necessarily work for everyone all the time.

I can head off on their trail and sometimes hit a dead end because we’re just wired up differently. [Read more…]

How to Release Confidence

Do you ever feel like the world constantly bombards us with, “You’re just not good enough.”

I mean parents tell their kids, “If only you were more gifted.”

In school the in-group says, “You’re just not cool enough.”

Prestigious colleges say, “You’re not smart enough.”

Then as adults somehow the car we drive, the house we live in, the vacations we take, “Well they’re just not trendy enough.” [Read more…]

Finding Peace Even When You Doubt

There was a time I lived far away from God.

I mean I hoped he existed.  When I was in a jam I’d pray.  Kind of hedging my bets.

But I really didn’t know for sure.  Other than weddings I frankly had no interest in going to church.

I was living my life the way I wanted.  Fast and furious in a fraternity.  I really didn’t want God interrupting that.

But I also felt an emptiness deep inside.  Never could stop running.  Had only fleeting moments of peace. [Read more…]