What A New Life Looks Like

“But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.”  (Ephesians 2: 4-5 NIV)

In high school and college I struggled with depression.   I could be ecstatic one moment and an hour later crash into a darkness that would linger for a couple of days.

It grew steadily worse in college but I never told anyone.  I come from a family that you just “suck it up” and fix your problems.

And besides at that time psychological counseling indicated you were crazy.  Of course I did have a couple of ex-girlfriends tell me that anyway.

So I just struggled silently.  Everyone else seemed to have it so together and I didn’t want to admit I didn’t.

But I couldn’t fix it.

The night when I committed my life to God I was struggling to find peace.

I remember praying, “God, I don’t know if you exist or not but I hope you do.  And if so I commit myself to you.   Please give me peace so I know you’re real.”

And you know, in that moment I felt peace like I had never felt before.  It happened so instantaneously I knew God was real.

I wish I could say I never struggled with depression after that.  But I will say the symptoms lessened significantly.  And God brought into my life positive, joyful, loving people most importantly my wife.

And he’s given me understanding and tools to keep it at bay so today I only have occasional flashes.

Truly, I was given a new life.  One I could never give myself.  A gift I did not deserve.

A miraculous life that unquestionably only God could give.


When have you encountered that miraculous life?


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