What a Power Filled Life Looks Like

Do you ever have days you wish this thing called life was a whole lot clearer? I mean it can get pretty confusing at times can’t it?

That’s what I find comforting in a parable Jesus told, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.”*

As we looked at in the previous post, Jesus points us towards simply believing he has an amazing life planned for us and searching to discover it.

Then he promises the secrets will be revealed.

In reality, we don’t discover them through our own logic. Instead God, the owner, reveals them. They’re locked up and no amount trying figure it out on our own works.

Yet, he freely brings them out one at a time as we need them.

Slowly we add new insights to the ones we already have as long as we’re open to the new.

Yet, they’re all priceless. Understanding how to live in God’s power is beyond any other treasure we could hope for.

And it opens to us the life he promises to his children.


*Matthew 13:52 (NIV)

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